I play a monk. He is a ranger and doesn't have quite the energy that he should due to wielding an awesome bow. I like Ranger because of being able to have one or two ranger slots depending on the mission. Especially Stormchaser, that Ranger version of sprint, has saved entire missions, allowing me to get away and then rebirth the entire team after the baddies have slunk away. And I like the concept of a bow wielding monk... although a bo wielding monk would be cool too.
I ALWAYS discuss that my energy is not the highest... but I will heal as much as I can... and any help that the other teammates can give to healing themselves or each other is greatly appreciated. In town.
I WILL switch skills as we are discussing the mission, in town, if need be. I ask for suggestions.
Despite being a low energy Monk (34), I have pretty decent management energy skills. My heals are effective and fast. I like the 5 pt Heals, especially Dwayna's Kiss which stacks healing on any enchantment. When I'm partnered with another Protection monk, we rock on toast.
As I said in another post, I have had FAR more great PUGS than bad or average. I must be doing something right.